
The safety of all those who visit BJ concerts is of paramount concern. This document deals with the procedures used by BJ to ensure the safety of all those who attend or play at its concerts. It has been produced following discussion with other Centre users and interested parties, and represents the thinking of all Committee members. It is reviewed regularly and kept uptodate here.

At all concerts:

  • there will be four stewards, one of whom will be the co-ordinating steward
  • stewards will be recognisable via dayglo jackets
  • a steward will be seated close to each exit
  • stewards and exits will be pointed out to the audience before the concert begins.

In an emergency:

  • stewards will ensure the lights are switched on (the switches are by the corridor doors)
  • the primary responsibility of stewards is to ensure everyone gets out of the building safely to the assembly areas (the car park at the rear of the building and the pavement outside Bill’s restaurant)
  • stewards will attend to those requiring special consideration (e.g. children or those with mobility problems) and check all three toilet areas and the kitchen
  • stewards need to ensure musicians leave immediately
  • stewards will, if necessary, alert the Centre staff (contactable via the internal telephone in the main entrance foyer) who will call the emergency services and / or sound the evacuation alarm as appropriate”.
  • the Centre staff will be responsible for checking the evacuation of other levels of the building, and the final physical check that everyone has been evacuated from the building.

If the emergency is fire-related:

  • all internal and external doors (including the stage door) should be closed as soon as possible,
  • there is one foam and one water fire-extinguisher in the corridor, and one more of each in the entrance area; there are also a powder-based extinguisher and fire blanket in the kitchen and a CO2 extinguisher just behind the door opening on the stairs. Further extinguishers are on the stage.

At all times stewards will bear in mind general safety concerns (for example, spilt drinks or other hazards, etc).

  • there will be four stewards, one of whom will be the co-ordinating steward
  • stewards will be recognisable via dayglo jackets
  • a steward will be seated close to each exit,
  • stewards and exits will be pointed out to the audience before the concert begins.

In an emergency:

  • stewards will ensure the lights are switched on (the switches are by the corridor doors)
  • the primary responsibility of stewards is to ensure everyone gets out of the building safely to the assembly areas (the car park at the rear of the building and the pavement outside Bill’s restaurant)
  •  stewards will attend to those requiring special consideration (e.g. children or those with mobility problems) and check all three toilet areas and the kitchen,
  • stewards need to ensure musicians leave immediately
  • stewards will, if necessary, alert the Centre staff (contactable via the internal telephone in the main entrance foyer) who will call the emergency services and / or sound the evacuation alarm as appropriate”
  •  the Centre staff will be responsible for checking the evacuation of other levels of the building, and the final physical check that everyone has been evacuated from the building.

If the emergency is fire-related:

  • all internal and external doors (including the stage door) should be closed as soon as possible
  • there is one foam and one water fire-extinguisher in the corridor, and one more of each in the entrance area; there are also a powder-based extinguisher and fire blanket in the kitchen and a CO2 extinguisher just behind the door opening on the stairs. Further extinguishers are on the stage.

At all times stewards will bear in mind general safety concerns (for example, spilt drinks or other hazards, etc).