
Berkhamsted Jazz operates according to its Constitution:




  1. NAME

The name shall be “BERKHAMSTED JAZZ ” (hereinafter called “BJazz”)


The aims of BJazz shall be to provide for the appreciation and enjoyment of jazz music of all kinds by staging a varied programme of live performances.


3.1. BJazz is a not-for-profit organization, managed by a committee who give their time on a voluntary basis, and are bound by this Constitution.  

3.2. All assets are applied solely towards promoting the aims of BJazz.   The division of assets or profits to individual members is prohibited.



4.1. The management of BJazz shall be entrusted to members who shall form a Committee consisting of the Officers and up to six (6) Committee Members, all elected at the Annual General Meeting.   Officers and Committee members may stand for re-election at each AGM.     

4.2. Five members of the Committee shall form a quorum for a Committee meeting.

4.3. The Committee shall be empowered to fill casual vacancies which occur in its number during the year, such appointments being terminated at the following AGM.

4.4. The Committee may co-opt additional persons (not necessarily members) who have particular skills which can contribute to the organization, on a temporary basis.

4.5. The Committee may appoint informal Sub-committees to deal with specific matters.

4.6. The Committee may undertake fund raising or seek financial support if unforeseen adverse circumstances arise.

4.7.  The Committee may instigate, or terminate, ticket price discount schemes as it deems necessary.

4.8. Every question at a Committee meeting shall be decided by a majority of those members present and voting.   The Chairman will have a second or casting vote, if required.



5.1. There shall be six Officers elected at the AGM ; Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary, Programme Secretary and Website / Publicity Officer.

5.2. Officers may stand for re-election, and one person may hold more than one Office. 



6.1   Membership shall be open to all persons interested in jazz on payment of the annual subscription.  

6.2   Members are defined as persons who have joined for the first time in the current season, plus members from previous seasons who have renewed their subscriptions.



Meetings, both of the committee & general meetings, will normally be face-to face, but may be held via electronic means including via telephone, as decided by the Committee.



8.1. The Treasurer shall maintain a Bank Account or Accounts in the name of BJazz.   Cheques are to be signed by two of four signatories – Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.

8.2. The Treasurer shall keep the accounts and shall compile the Annual Statement of Accounts to the last day of July each year.

8.3. The Committee shall appoint a member who is not on the Committee as Auditor, who shall certify the Accounts prior to the A.G.M.

8.4. At the AGM, the Treasurer will review the Annual Statement of Accounts for the previous financial year, and the meeting will be asked to approve the Accounts via a vote.  

8.5. At the AGM, the Treasurer will present the outlook for the current year, including the membership subscription costs and ticket prices set by the Committee for the current season, and any other items of significant expenditure.  The meeting will be asked to approve these items via a vote.



9.1. The Annual General Meeting of BJazz shall be held before the 30th November, after at least fifteen days’ notice has been given to all Members.

9.2. The quorum for the AGM shall be ten members, of which a minimum of four shall be Officers.

9.3. Each member present shall be entitled to vote on each resolution.   The Chairman will have a second or casting vote, if required.  



10.1. A Special General Meeting shall be convened by a resolution of the Committee, or within twenty days of receipt by the Secretary of a written request signed by ten members.  Fifteen days’ notice of such a meeting shall be given to members by the Secretary.

10.2. The quorum for a Special General Meeting will be ten members, of which a minimum of four shall be Officers.

10.3.  A Special General Meeting shall only transact such business as is specified in the resolution or requisition convening it. 

10.4. Each member present shall be entitled to vote on each resolution.  The Chairman will have a second or casting vote if required.



11.1.  This Constitution may be amended at an A.G.M. or a Special General Meeting, all proposed amendments having been notified to the Members at least fifteen days previously.

11.2. When proposed alterations to the Constitution have been debated at a General Meeting, a vote by show of hands shall be taken on the revised document as a whole.   A simple majority of those present and voting shall be sufficient to approve the revised document.



12.1. Should it become necessary for dissolution to occur, all finance and assets remaining after the payment of debts and liabilities shall be transferred to suitable organisations interested in the promotion of jazz.  No remaining assets will be distributed to members.

12.2. If circumstances permit, dissolution should follow a discussion of the prevailing circumstances with members of BJazz, using a General Meeting for this purpose.

12.3. Upon dissolution, members who have unused tickets purchased in advance shall be entitled to a refund if they so wish.


Version 8, October 2023